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23 months ago
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They took all the food!
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
And they did not realize they had "BAGS" under their eyes
Spaghetti dealers
We are from Flying Spaghetti Monster Church, want to talk about your noodles?
"Wanted, Assumed Armed and Dangerous! Leaders of the infamous Spaghetti O Side Street Gang! Go by the street names Dick and Wads!
McCauley Culkin and Charles Manson jr. sport the new line of clothing produced by Franco American.
So we were like "Let's get those bitches some spaghetti, bitches love spaghetti."
"The song was 'heart on a string' you idiot!"
The worst Tangela cosplay ever
"Lost Our Noodles" first album cover. Hit song, "Smoking Dope and My Jacket Is Too Short"
Bear hunting with meth-heads
And they did not realize the had BAGS under their eyes
Members of the Taliban's Italian clan
Chef Boyardee and Robert Ziploc both had humble beginnings.
"Girls just want to have lunch...nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more"
Recycling Brains on Drugs.
Arts Yeah!!
Besides red eyes, we had to show other ways we are stoned on drugs
We're best friends forever, Jesus and me
And they wonder why they are always getting attacked by fat kids
Were like Napoleon Dynamite... but tater tots are too mainstream.
Im packed!!!
Squishy, Not Munchy
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour flying spagetti monster?
Clay Akins and Adam Lambert going fishing with Chef Boardee! "The fish will never know the difference ,Adam."
These are our halloween costumes- we're going as dinner.
Two of the stars from the newest spaghetti western?
Vigilantism just got a whole lot tastier.
I do not want to be a member.
Wow, this is in every respect what I ndeeed to know.
The newest drug dealers...
Wanna see our meatballs?
What do you mean, this is not a fashion statement!
Because it's never the wrong time for pasta
Damn stoners, they must have forgotten about their pockets and wanted to take some food to go
Antoine and dave never understood why the spaghetti jacket never caught on
Macaulay culkin shooting his new sequel Poorie poor
Tenacious D when they were 16.
Flying spaghetti monster converts??
Brokeback spaghetti mountain
How else do you expect us to keep vampires away?
Not many people realize that Chef Boyardee was also a fashion designer. Here we see Tyler and Jo-Jo modelling the Chef's miserably unsuccessful "Spaghetti Jacket".
I wonder why they kicked us out of the movie
Uh...yeah....This is our lunch!
Wanna buy some noodles?
Jihadist suicide bombers in training.
Maxim sucks! We walked through the mall like this for 2 hours and only scored two numbers. One from a therapist, and the other was a dry cleaner service.
Nigger cock loving faggots
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